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Rémy HYSBERGUE - Tout Schuss
Featured works
Press release
Galerie Richard in Paris presents the second solo exhibition of Rémy Hysbergue entitled «Tout Schuss», new acrylic paintings on silk velvet, from January 22 to February 27, 2022. The velvet support adds to the painting the specificity of its visual depth and adds to the viewer a play effect with the color by a lateral displacement to the painting. Compared to his memorable last exhibition a year ago at the gallery, the color is more radiant and his painting more expansive. The title suggests with relevance the curvatures and breaks of the slopes.
Thick blocks of acrylic in three dimensions, deposits of light traces of large brushes and their overlays, airbrushing with which he brings light and an impression of relief all fictive, Rémy Hysbergue multiplies the techniques of painting (Rémy Hysbergue likes to say that he paints the painting) with unparalleled dexterity to offer a strong visual pleasure to people who face his works.
Rémy Hysbergue does not allow himself to be locked up in any system. As just in an all-over painting as in a sober painting with three strokes of brushes, his refined paintings reach maturity and for this they express and make share his true pleasure of mastering the possibilities of expression of his medium.
Remy Hysbergue has just participated in the collective exhibition entitled «Painting: obsolescence deprogrammed» at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Les Sables d’Olonne from October 17 to January 16,2022 and his paintings will be presented on the exhibition entitled “ Peinture: obsolescence déprogrammée – Licences Libres” at the Musée de l’Hospice Saint-Roch d’Issoudun from February 11 to May 8, 2022.